Who we are

Born in 1983, the son of a Marine, I have always had a deep pride for my country and the values that it stands for. While still in high school, I enlisted in the United States Army, and went to boot camp within a month of graduating.

Through two tours, first in Iraq, and again in Afghanistan, I learned the importance of discipline and hard work. Coming home from my second tour was difficult for me. Becoming a disabled veteran is not something that anyone plans for, and definitely not something anyone can prepare for.

After retiring from the US Army, and some soul searching, I found that I had a desire for creating things. It was then that I took advantage of the programs the military offered, and went back to school. My passion was found in metal working, which led to me becoming a certified welder.

After finishing school, I decided that it was time to share my art with the world. I "recruited" my brother, Chevis, to handle the sales aspect of the business, and got to work. Through many sleepless nights, some speed bumps, and devotion to what became an obsession, I have achieved my dream of opening my own business.

This company represents a lifetime of hard work and passion, and it is my hope that you find that passion in every piece that I create.